
NSEA-Retired is the ONLY retired association in Nebraska that guarantees continuation of your NEA member benefits and NSEA services!

What is NSEA-Retired?

The NSEA-Retired is a statewide association of educators that is committed to protecting current pension and Social Security benefits; being a strong advocate on retirement issues; and to the advancement of quality public education.

Members conduct business at an annual conference. Each spring the membership elects officers, district board members and delegates to the NSEA Delegate Assembly and the NEA Representative Assembly. NSEA-Retired also holds a fall conference, a lobby day and a spring conference/annual meeting.


ONLINE MEMBERSHIP IS AVAILABLE!  Click here to join online.

*Note:  Lincoln and Omaha Retired Associations have additional local dues. 

Lincoln PDF Application with Local dues included.  Online enrollment available at link above.

Omaha PDF Application with Local dues included.  Online enrollment available at link above.

Join Now

JOIN ONLINE! Click here for the online membership form.

PRINT AND MAIL  If you'd rather fill out a paper form and mail your payment, click here.


Why should I join?

As an NSEA-Retired member, you will be kept abreast of new developments on important retirement issues such as pension plans, Social Security, health care and prescription drugs as well as trends in the education profession. You are able to continue your NEA Member Benefit Programs, support your colleagues, public education and Nebraska's children.

Who can join?

NSEA-Retired membership shall be open to any NSEA member who has retired and reached the age of forty-five (45) years or more, or an individual who is eligible to receive benefits under a school employee retirement system in Nebraska or another state and who was employed for at least five (5) years in a position that qualified them for Active membership but is no longer so employed.

How Will I Benefit?

  • NSEA-Retired works with the Educator's Health Alliance (EHA) advocating for improvements in the BC/BS retiree health plan.
  • NSEA-Retired works to improve your retirement benefits and provide affordable health care protection.
  • NSEA-Retired and NEA-Retired lobbyists monitor and act on legislation that affects retired educators.
  • You'll receive regular communication updates on retiree issues via newsletters, publications and email.
  • You'll have the opportunity to attend an annual statewide conference featuring workshops and speakers of interest to retirees.
  • Benefits include significant financial services available only if you are a NSEA-Retired member.

Educators’ Medicare Supplement Plan Endorsed by NSEA Retired

As a NSEA-Retired member you are eligible for: 

  • Educators’ Medicare Supplement coverage (with Dental option) OR
  • NEA Member Benefits Medigap coverage.

These Medicare Supplement plans are for retirees age 65 and older. 

Subscribe today and lock in your dues for life!

NSEA-Retired & NEA-Retired Member Benefits

  • Educators’ Medicare Supplement Plan Endorsed by NSEA Retired
  • Educators Employment Liability Coverage continues while substitute teaching.
  • Continued voice in lobbying efforts at the state and national levels.
  • State wide publications

The Voice

NSEA-Retired Advocate

NEA Today for NEA-Retired Members

  • NEA Medigap Coverage--Medicare Supplement Plan
  • NEA Master Card/Visa with no annual fee.
  • NEA Term Life Insurance eligibility
  • NEA Subscription Service
  • NEA Accidental Death Insurance


NSEA-Retired History

Beginning in 1983, shortly after NEA formed a retired organization, Nebraska leaders initiated steps to form the NSEA-Retired affiliate.

NSEA-Retired began in 1986 with Val Pullen as its first president. Since then, NSEA-Retired has grown into a nationally recognized association.

2025 Elections

Click here to submit your name as a candidate for NSEA-Retired offices, or as a delegate to either NSEA Delegate Assembly (April 25-26, 2025, Lincoln, NE) or NEA Representative Assembly (July 2-6, Portland, OR).

Click here to review submitted candidates.

The deadline to file is February 5. 

Calendar, Events & Registrations

Click here for a calendar of ALL NSEA Events.

2024-25 NSEA-Retired Meeting Dates:

For any questions, please contact Kristen Sedlacek, Matt Pittman or Andrea Longoria at 800-742-0047.


Retirement & Insurance

Click here to watch a recorded webinar about Medicare and the Educators’ Medicare Supplement.

Descriptions and rates of the EHA Direct Bill Plan and Educators’ Medicare Supplement are available at www.ehaplan.org/retiree-info. A webinar selected from one of this fall’s Zoom presentations is also available at this site. You may also contact BCBSNE’s Member Services Department at 800-991-5650 to ask about the Educators’ Medicare Supplement. Whenever calling, be sure to state the name of the plan for which you are calling. Additional Medicare information can be found at the website medicare.gov.

*Advantages of the Educators’ Medicare Supplement plan from BCBSNE: More than 4600 individuals have selected this plan. It has an excellent dental option, which must be chosen upon initial enrollment in the plan. The rates are set for age bands (65-66,67-69,70-74,75-79,80-84, 85+), rather than individual ages.  So long as you are in the same age band, you will only receive one rate increase per year, on the policy anniversary (which is January 1 of each year).  Other Supplements are rated by individual ages, which means that each year you will receive two rate increases:  one on your birthday (because you are a year older), and a second on the policy anniversary of the supplement (when the general overall rate increase for the plan is implemented).  Our Medicare Supplement is good in any state.  If you move to another state, Educators’ Medicare Supplement covers you, but you will need to find a Medicare Part D Drug Plan that operates in the new state.  Educators’ Medicare Supplement offers both a plan F and a plan G coverage option.  We can do that because our Supplement is only open to our members and to subscribers to EHA insurance, and is not available to the general public. The only difference between Plan F and Plan G is that Plan F covers the Medicare Part B deductible ($257 for 2025) and Plan G does not. Educators’ Medicare Supplement is available to people who are transitioning from an EHA plan OR who are members of NSEA-Retired.  Many participants are both. Click here for the 2025 rates for Educators' Medicare Supplement.  A full Plan Description of Educators’ Medicare Supplement can be found by clicking here.

*Cautions:  A doctor or medical care provider may accept you as a patient but may not be in the network, meaning the negotiated “allowable payments” may not be accepted.  Provider networks can especially be a challenge with some Medicare C (Advantage) plans. If Medicare Part D for prescription drugs is not entered when first entering Medicare, there is a penalty attached later when you do subscribe.  

Medicare Enrollment Reminders
If you collect Social Security at age 65, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B.  Part A is free for most enrollees and Part B cost varies with income from AGI two years prior.  If you don’t collect Social Security, you can enroll during one of three enrollment periods:

  1. Initial Enrollment Period (IEP):  This time extends from 3 months prior to the month you turn 65 (birthday month), your birthday month, up to 3 months after your birthday month (a seven-month window). This is when most individuals enroll in Medicare for the first time.
  2. General Enrollment Period (GEP) which extends from January 1 through March 31.  If you did not sign up for Part A and/or Part B during the Initial Enrollment Period, you can sign up during General Enrollment.  Your coverage won’t start until July 1 of that year, and you may have to pay a higher Part A and/or Part B premium for late enrollment.  
  3. Special Enrollment Period (SEP) allows for Medicare enrollment anytime during the year when certain life events occur.  Some examples of such circumstances include leaving a current employer’s sponsored health plan, relocation to a new area or your qualification for Medicaid or Extra Help changes.  

 *If you are still working at age 65 and continuing with your current insurance, you MAY still notify Medicare for the Medicare Part A but would then wait upon retirement to notify Medicare for Part B and Part D plus seeking a supplement plan.


Retirement Seminars

NSEA offers seminars on retirement planning to local associations.  There is no individual charge for the one-hour seminars which are presented by NSEA Organizational Specialists Mike Wiesen and Kristen Sedlacek and hosted by NSEA-Retired. Visit www.nsea.org/retirement to sign up for a scheduled session or to sign up to host one for your local.


The award winning NSEA-Retired Corner in the NSEA VOICE and the award winning NSEA-Retired Advocate newsletter

This link takes you to the NSEA VOICE archives. Click on the desired issue. The NSEA-Retired Corner is generally near the end of that VOICE issue.

NSEA-Retired Advocate Archives


Volunteer Opportunities

CORE,  Call on Retired Educators
There are many ways retired members can continue to be of service to the profession. Several include: 

  • working with student members and new educators
  • making legislative contacts
  • assisting at local meetings and association offices
  • other

Contact NSEA-R president John Heineman at ringojohn@aol.com


Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/NSEARetired


Leadership & Bylaws

Click here for the NSEA-Retired Bylaws (pp.40-43)



NSEA Staff


  • Platte Valley REA
  • Bellevue EA Retired
  • Central Panhandle REA
  • Elkhorn/Sandhills EAR
  • Lincoln EA Retired
  • Millard EA Retired
  • Omaha EA Retired
  • Wilber-Clatonia Education Association-Retired

Donate to the NEA Fund Today
Please consider making a monthly or one time donation. Any amount would be wonderful, however, most give $5 or $10 monthly.

To give online go to https://educationvotes.nea.org/donate/ and follow the prompts. If you don’t know your membership number, it’s okay. You don’t have to include it.

If you prefer to donate by check, make your check out to: The NEA Fund. Send to the secure PO Box:

The NEA Fund
PO Box 96225
Washington DC 20077-7501