News & Information

Personal Stories Highlight the Need for Updated Family Leave Policies
“The importance of this issue was confirmed as I spent time with Millard Education Association (MEA) members on a postcard writing campaign to get the vote out for a Millard Public Schools bond election and knowing that NSEA is currently helping at least four locals organizing for support for bond elections in their communities. ”
Millard Education Association member Megan Andrews is advocating for "paperwork days" to support special education teachers. Stories like Andrews' highlight the growing challenges SPED teachers face, which is why NSEA is pushing for legislation to address their increased workload.
Lincoln Education Association member Kate Regler is advocating for more behavioral support for her special education students. NSEA will push for more funding at the state level as part of its 2025 state policy agenda.
“Your three minutes of testimony could help pass a bill that could positively impact thousands. Only together can we advance the mission of our organization, and I hope in this New Year, you will find new and exciting ways you can elevate your role in that work. ” - NSEA President Tim Royers
State statute is clear: A school district cannot require teachers to make a commitment before March 15.
"The most important thing you can ever give a child is their dignity—no matter what home they come from, no matter what pronoun they want to be called, no matter what color their hair is, no matter what sport they're playing—you as an educator, step up and love, respect, and encourage every child in front of you, no matter who it is."
We need members, and allies in the community, to speak up and lend their voices in our efforts. Whether it is in the form of testifying at a hearing, calling your state senator, writing a letter, or attending a town hall – only through our collective strength can we succeed in convincing our Nebraska State Senators and the Governor to truly commit to bold action.
Educators who need to renew their certificate in 2025 may want to complete their application early to avoid processing delays with the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE).
