Opportunities for Growth

By NSEA President Tim Royers

The beginning of a new year is a powerful reminder that every day holds fresh opportunities for growth and change. I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break and had the chance to rest and recuperate before we head into the second half of this school year. As we embark on a new calendar year, I encourage you to reflect on three ways you can contribute to strengthening our association and supporting the growth of our colleagues in the profession.

Celebrate Excellence
First, I would encourage members to consider nominating one or more of their colleagues for one of the many awards that NSEA presents every year at Delegate Assembly.

Recognition can inspire confidence, reflect a supportive and collaborative culture in our schools and create benchmarks for excellence in teaching.

From acknowledging new educators to those in the community who champion public education, we have several different opportunities to elevate people for their hard work and dedication.  

Please review the awards here and make a commitment to nominate at least one person before the February deadline.  

Run For Something
The second way you can help strengthen our association is by running for one of our positions on the NSEA Board of Directors that will be up for election at this year’s Delegate Assembly.  This year, we will be electing our Secretary/Treasurer, our NEA Director, and our Education Support Professional at-large member of the board.  These all serve three-year terms and play critically important roles in the governance of our organization.  

More strong candidates provide our members with well-rounded representation within NSEA. Having multiple, qualified candidates to choose from helps ensure that we have the strongest union possible, so please consider stepping up and serving in one of these important roles!

Your Voice
As we prepare to navigate another Legislative session this January, please think about utilizing your voice in ways that maybe you hadn’t previously considered.  

If you haven’t yet, sign up for the Capitol Update on our website. It is the best way to receive regular, detailed updates on what is happening in our Legislature. If you are willing to go a step further, consider calling or emailing state senators when the time comes to advocate for a certain bill.  

And finally, as we advocate for a pro-public education agenda, consider coming and testifying on a bill that you feel passionately about.  As I alluded to last month, your stories will be the most effective tool we have to get our state lawmakers to understand the importance of the policies we are advocating for.  Your three minutes of testimony could help pass a bill that could positively impact thousands. Only together can we advance the mission of our organization, and I hope in this new year, you will find new and exciting ways you can elevate your role in that work.