Bargaining Timeline Realities: Are You Getting Trapped?
On paper the current bargaining calendar looks straightforward. But what appears to be weeks’ worth of time to bargain frequently gets squeezed, resulting in high pressure and high anxiety. This session will explore where the hazards lay, how to prepare for them and steps to take to avoid getting trapped by time at the bargaining table.
Building a culture of validation and affirmation in a classroom
This workshop will explore our understanding of culture. Participants will examine how our own cultural journeys impact the classroom. This workshop will raise participants’ awareness of the practice of validation and affirmation and the powerful effects of both on student learning and teacher/educator performance. Participants will have the chance to review examples of district policies on multicultural education for discussion.
Building High Capacity Locals
Category: Association Engagement, Representation
Do you feel like your officers are the only ones engaged in the work of the local association? Is your local association ready for a more active role? How can you promote active engagement from more members? This “kick-start” session helps to identify priorities and build off success through a 3 to 5-year plan.
Building Positive Relationships with your School Board or Administration
Category: Association Engagement, Partnerships
Your local association can shape a positive working relationship with the school board and administration to ensure a great public school for the students of your community.
Challenging Racism Through Stories and Conversation
Through this interactive session, participants begin to engage in conversations about race and racism through personal experiences and stories. This session serves as an introduction to the Challenging Racism facilitated conversations, in which teachers gain the skills necessary to talk about race and racism with their students, colleagues and communities.
Childhood Trauma in the Classroom
Childhood trauma affects one of every four students. In this session you will learn what childhood trauma is, what it can look like in school, and ways that you, the educator, can learn to best support all of the students in your classroom by utilizing trauma sensitive best practices.
Continuing the Excellence in Evolution of EHA Heath Care Benefits
The EHA will give an in-depth explanation of health care plan designs while focusing on individual’s needs. We will also open the session for question and answers.
Degrees Not Debt
Category: Advocacy, Partnerships
Overwhelmed with student loan debt? Come find out the many options you have for repayment, loan forgiveness, or loan cancellation.
Educator Wellness: Avoiding Burnout
Category: Association Engagement, Social Justice
Educators need to care for themselves before they can take care of others to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Participants will learn how to recognize the signs of compassion fatigue in themselves and their colleagues. They will learn preventative measures to avoid burnout and other strategies to utilize once burnout has set in.
ESP Training
Category: Association Engagement, Partnerships
This training can be for all staff or specifically for Educational Support Professionals (ESP). Why would ESPs join? How do they organize? How do the teacher/para members work together to solve problems?
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About RIF
What is it? Can it happen to me? What to do if you receive a RIF notice?
Five Steps to Successful Bargaining
Negotiation is sometimes considered as a two-step process — “Get started and Get finished.” The five steps presented today will include a thorough and successful process. Join in a walk through the five steps of this process. Open to new negotiators looking to learn and to veterans seeking to update methods.
Implicit Bias / Explicit Bias
Social psychologists and scientists have found that all of us, regardless of race, have cognitive biases that influence how we perceive and make decisions about other people. This workshop will raise participants’ awareness of unconscious bias and its powerful effect on student learning and teacher/educator performance while explaining how unintended thoughts can contradict our beliefs and how acting according to our values can require more than good intentions. Participants will work on ways to overcome their bias.
Is it a Grievance?
What constitutes a grievance or a gripe? Learn the crucial time frame for filing a grievance and find out all the steps and procedures that follow.
Leading a Meeting - Know Your Parliamentary Procedure
Leading a meeting you need to be familiar with parliamentary procedure. Basic motions will be covered with lots of hands-on practice.
Legislative Update
What do educators need to know about current legislation? How can they get involved? How will legislation affect me and my students?
Lobbying Tips and Tactics
Learn how to effectively lobby your state senator; help create positive change both in the classroom and the teaching profession. You will receive training on the legislative process, testifying, and the NSEA Legislative Agenda.
Local Political Activism & NSEA Resources
NSEA has information and resources to assist local Associations with bond issues, levy overrides, school board candidate endorsements and much more. This session will give information on those resources and you will hear from local Association leaders about how their local was positively affected by political activism.
Mindset: The Power of Possibility
Carol Dweck, a professor of Psychology at Stanford University, has conducted more than 40 years of research on the importance of mindset in reaching one’s potential. Her research is significant to the field of education because of the influence it has on student motivation and student learning. If educators and students view intelligence as a fixed trait, Dweck believes this message translates to students in the form of identity. Whereas, setbacks are opportunities to learn for those with a growth mindset, people with a fixed mindset associate failure (I failed) to an identity (I am a failure). This way of thinking about challenges undermines a student’s ability to learn. The current educational reality is filled with labels: ELL/ESL, gifted, special education, at-risk, etc. These labels can become a student’s fixed identity and influence the way teachers view students and ultimately how students view themselves. Learning about growth mindset theory and the simple practices that can support a growth mindset environment can help both students and teachers improve student learning and create additional opportunities for success.
Native American: What is Justice?
A roundtable discussion on the harmful narratives, stereotypes, structural and institutional racism and the invisibility of American Indians/Alaska Natives in our communities. Our voices are rarely heard in the news, in popular culture or in history books, and what little is reflected is riddled with misinformation and confusion.
NEA Member Benefits
From movies tickets to travel discounts, find out about all the many benefits that are available to you through NEA member benefits.
NSEA Retirement Workshop
Category: Advocacy, Partnerships
Participants will information on the benefits they receive from the Nebraska School Employees Retirement System upon retirement. This workshop is GREAT for members age 50 and older. Information covered includes but is not limited to:
- How to calculate your retirement benefit
- Factors that affect the amount of your retirement benefit
- How the 8 payment options differ
- Tips on who to name as your primary beneficiary
- Health insurance options after retirement
- Answers to your questions
The seminar is considered a benefit of NSEA membership and FREE to NSEA members and their spouse. Non-members are usually charged a small fee to attend.
Organizing for Power/Conflict Resolution
Category: Advocacy, Association Engagement, Representation
Do staff want more of a voice in district decision-making? Do staff feel disrespected and mistreated? Do educators in your district need a reminder about their power to move from a complaint to action?
Paystub 101
Category: Advocacy, Association Engagement
Learn how to read your paystub and make sure you are being paid and receiving benefits at the correct level.
Personnel Issues 101
Is your employment at risk? How do you keep sufficient documentation to better protect yourself? What does the law say about Letters of Intent and signing individual teacher contracts? Your NSEA staff can assist probationary and tenured teachers with evaluations, plans of improvement, reprimands, and liability issues.