Platte Valley Retired Education Association




                    Deb Gnuse


Vice President:

                    Jan Barnason



                    Maureen Nickels



                   Guy Roggenkamp




NSEA-Retired Tri-Valley Retired Board Representative: 

                    Jan Barnason

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                    Christy Hewitt
 Card Committee:
                    Christy Hewitt and Yvette Engelhaupt

Meeting Location and Time for 2024-2025





 **Meetings start at 2 PM unless otherwise stated**


  Meeting Dates and Program Topics:

                    September 18, 2024 starting at 2PM

                    Meeting location:  Crane Trust Visitor Center, Alda, Nebraska

                         Program:  Review and update on Bison, Sandhill Cranes, Whooping Cranes, Prairie Chickens and other areas of wildlife at the Crane Trust

                         Present by:  Kylee Warren

                         Refreshments provided by:  Executive Board

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                       Be one of the first two (2) members at this meeting to tell me the PVREA phrase **PVREA KNOWLEDGE**  before the meeting starts, and get a coffee gift card.

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                   October 17, 2024

                      NSEA - Retired Fall Conference

                      Kearney Archway


                           Registration 8:30 - 9:00
                          Conference 9 to 3:30

                     November 13 2024

                                Meeting location:  Grand Island Public Library, Grand Island, Ne.
                                 Program:  TBD

                                 Presented by: 

                                 Refreshments provided by: Executive Board

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                       Be one of the first two (2) members at this meeting to tell me the PVREA phrase "PVREA ADVANCING" before the meeting starts, and get a coffee gift card.


                       February , 2025

                                 NSEA Retired Lobby Day


                       February 12, 2025 starting at 2PM

                                Meeting Location:  TBD

                                Program: TBD

                                Presented by: 

                                Refreshments provided; PVREA Officers


                    NSEA-RETIRED Elections

                   ** Please remember to vote when you receive your NSEA-Retired notice of the election being held.**

                             Voting will start towards the last of February and ballots are due the 15 of March.

                    April 9, 2025

                            Program:  More info. at a later date

                           Location: TBD


                     April , 2025

                            NSEA-Retired Spring Conference April

                              Location:  TBD


                              Conference:  More information to follow


                     April  2025

                             NSEA Delegate Assembly

                             Location:  Lincoln, Ne.



                                                  NSEA-RETIRED  PVREA  MISSION

     NSEA-Retired shall be dedicated to the promotion of retirement with dignity, happiness, and adequate income by:
     a.  promoting the social, professional and economic status, and the general welfare of retired public school employees,

     b.  providing a forum for united action with others who are devoted to the cause of public education,

     c.  promoting voluntary participation by its members in civic and educational affairs.


                                                                                                            History of NSEA Retired PVREA

     The Platte Valley Retired Education Association (PVREA) in affiliation with NSEA-Retired started on November 28, 2005 when Mo Nickels and Joe Higgins made contact with the following 4 members in the Grand Island area.  Those members were our first officers:  President - Gary Nickels, Vice President - Rita Lammers, Treasurer - Stan Urwiller, and Secretary - Martha McGahan.  PVREA held its first meeting on November 30, 2005 at the Home Federal Bank South in Grand Island, Nebraska  There were 28 retired teachers present.  Since that time, our membership has continued to increase.  It was decided to have 4 meetings in our association year, September to April.  PVREA accepts members from anywhere in Nebraska, primarily covering an area within an approximate radius of 75 miles of Grand Island.  We do try to serve all of central Nebraska.


     PVREA is Tri-Valley's only NSEA Retired Organization.  We encourage you to join us in this association!  Our dues are $10.00 a year.  Membership in PVREA is open to NSEA and NSEA-Retired members.  Associate membership is available to spouses and anyone interested in educational issues, with all rights except voting rights.

                                                                                          "Still Making A Difference"


                                                                                 Thanks for viewing our PVREA website!



            Board Meeting Minutes