Are You a Policyholder or a Member?
Educators who are not members of NSEA often say “I have liability insurance from another source.”
Those educators may pay for a liability policy from another organization, or they may even think their homeowner’s liability policy has them covered.
It is unlikely those “other” policies have the full and extensive protection offered by the NEA policy and membership in the NSEA. Do those policies have the benefit of 18 staff members on the ground, plus a strong and experienced member rights team, to deal with biased administrators, accusatory parents, and, as happens to teachers on a regular basis, law enforcement agencies?
Homeowner’s insurance may or may not cover workplace incidents. If the homeowner’s policy does provide workplace coverage, it is also possible that coverage for workplace incidents would be limited to liability related to physical damage.
The biggest cost related to a liability issue is the attorney. Under the NEA policy, in criminal proceedings that exonerate a member, legal fees are covered. That includes corporal punishment issues.
Finally, the other coverage likely does not offer the educator the security and benefit of meeting with an experienced NSEA specialist, on site, who will let the educator know what’s going to happen and how they will be protected. That is the job of NSEA’s 18 organizational specialists stationed across the state.
Clearly, there is a difference between “policyholder” and “member.”
Every NSEA member receives coverage under the Educator’s Employment Liability (EEL) Insurance policy purchased by the National Education Association.
In general, the EEL policy provides coverage for members arising out of their educational employment activities. Those activities are generally defined as duties performed pursuant to the express or implied terms of their employment or at the express request of the member’s supervisor acting within the supervisor’s school employment.
In addition to defending civil matters, the EEL insurance provides reimbursement for bail bonds in employment-related criminal matters and reimbursement for personal property damages caused by an assault at school or while performing school duties.
Further, the EEL insurance provides reimbursement in criminal matters arising out of educational employment activities if the member is found not guilty.
The specific terms and coverage are set forth by the EEL insurance policy and are governed by the insurance company.
For more details, contact your NSEA organizational specialist. Reach your NSEA representative at 1-800-742-0047.
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