NSEA - Aspiring Educators
About NSEA - Aspiring Educators
Of all the issues facing education, none may be more important than that of recruiting young people into the profession.
Through the NSEA - Aspiring Educators, the NSEA provides professional resources and support to teachers in training. That added preparation helps young teachers get off to a successful career start, and provides NSEA with a core group of future Association leaders.
NSEA - Aspiring Educators chapters are located on Nebraska college and university campuses, with a combined statewide membership of more than 1,500 and growing.
Dues for membership in NSEA - Aspiring Educators/NSEA/NEA are $30 annually. Membership provides student with important liability insurance coverage while student teaching, as well as many of the same benefits as active teachers/members.
A portion of the dues are refunded to NSEA - Aspiring Educators members with their first year of membership in the NSEA when they begin their professional career.
NSEA - Aspiring Educators sends delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly as well as to NSEA's Delegate Assembly. The NSEA - Aspiring Educators president serves as a voting member of the NSEA Board of Directors.
Kim Story, Andy Isaacson, & Teresa Matthews, NSEA Organizational Specialists, are the staff consultants to NSEA - Aspiring Educators, with Noah Snurr serving as associate staff assigned to NSEA - Aspiring Educators.
For more information or if you have questions about NSEA - Aspiring Educators, contact Kim Story, Andy Isaacson, Teresa Matthews, or Noah Snurr.
NEA Aspiring Educators
As a program of the National Education Association, we are the only student led, student run and student funded organization dedicated to preparing aspiring educators to lead in the classroom.
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