Educators Shaping the Future

As educators and members, our actions have the potential to make a difference in our communities for years to come, sometimes in ways that none of us anticipate.  In the middle of September, on the same day that the Secretary of State certified that the Support Our Schools petition to repeal 1402 would be on the ballot, a lawsuit was filed in another attempt to kick it off the November ballot. Normally, when a certified petition has been challenged, the Secretary of State helps defend it in court.  After all – why wouldn’t the Secretary of State defend his decision to certify a ballot measure?   

Journey to the Ballot
Unfortunately, it was yet another unique obstacle orchestrated by voucher proponents in a two-year long journey to let Nebraskans vote on the issue. We felt well-prepared to respond to the lawsuit, but when the court filings to the Nebraska Supreme Court were made public, we were shocked to learn that the Secretary of State declared that he had changed his mind, and that if the court did not rule on the lawsuit, he would try to “de-certify” us from the ballot.  This was yet again another example of our opponents underestimating our determination.    

In the Courts
Our legal team methodically and emphatically made our case before the Nebraska Supreme Court, and early on the morning of Sept. 13, the Court released its opinion. Not only did the Court rule unanimously in a 7-0 decision that the Repeal of LB1402 should be on the ballot, but it also issued a concurring opinion that the Secretary of State does not have the power to revoke his certification of a ballot initiative.

Refusal to Back Down
In securing that result, we did not just ensure that the repeal of LB1402 will appear on the ballot.  Our refusal to backdown also delivered a strong ruling from the Supreme Court that will protect the rights of Nebraskans to place laws on the ballot for years to come!  Our immediate aim may have been to let voters choose whether public dollars should go to private schools, but in fighting this necessary fight we also won an unintended outcome of protecting one of our most cherished constitutional rights as Nebraskans.

Shaping the Future
The same is true for what you, as educators, do on a daily basis.  In the countless interactions you have with students, you are not just delivering curriculum, you’re giving them skills and knowledge that they will use for life.  You are not just helping them off the bus, you’re being the welcoming adult they need in their life.  You are not just helping them check out a library book, you’re inspiring a love for reading.  Whether it’s in the chambers of the Nebraska Supreme Court or your classroom, every day our members are shaping the future, and it is my privilege to serve and represent you.