NSEA Rebate Application for Former Aspiring Educator (Student) Members

Complete by June 1st of the first membership year in which you held and were eligible to hold Active membership

NSEA Policy allows a rebate to former Aspiring Educator (Student) members who are Active Professional members and who join the Association during their first year of membership eligibility. This rebate is available only to former Aspiring Educator (Student) members and is $25.00 per year of Aspiring Educator (Student) membership, the maximum is four years.

To receive a rebate, please complete the information requested below. NSEA will verify your membership(s) and a rebate check will be mailed to you as time permits. We shall not contact you prior to mailing your rebate check unless additional information is required.

NOTE: Once you submit this form, you'll be directed to the NEA page to complete their rebate as well.

Below is a record of my former Aspiring Educator (Student) membership:
example: UNL, 2020-2021
example: Doane University, 2021-2022
example: Peru State College, 2022-2023
example: UNL 2023-2024