NSEA Delegate Assembly

The 2025 Assembly will be held April 25-26 at Lincoln’s Cornhusker Marriott Hotel.

To make your interest in serving as an elected delegate known, contact your local association president.

Documents & Information

BYLAWS: Deadline to submit Bylaws Amendments is 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 11.

RESOLUTIONS: Deadline to submit Resolutions Amendments is 11:59 PM on Friday, April 4.

NEW BUSINESS ITEMS: Deadline to submit New Business Items is 11:59 PM on Friday, April 4.


2025 Award Nomination Forms: Nomination Deadline was Friday, February 14, 2025

  • Early Career Educator Award
  • Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Education Support Professional (ESP) Award
  • Administrator of Excellence Award
  • The Great Plains Milestone Award
  • Community Service Award
  • Local Public Relations Award
  • Friend of Education Award
  • Outstanding Media Award
Positions to be Elected at DA
NSEA Secretary/Treasurer, NEA Director and ESP At-Large seats (3-year terms) are up for election to the NSEA Board of Directors. Any active member wishing to seek office must declare their candidacy for the open positions in writing to NSEA Executive Director Trish Guinan by Feb. 15, 2025. Email her at: trish.guinan@nsea.org
Candidates seeking these offices who wish to have campaign materials posted for delegates must submit that information to NSEA Associate Executive Director Isau Metes by Tuesday, March 11. Email her at: isau.metes@nsea.org
Candidates are responsible for reviewing the candidate policy guidelines found at: NSEA Election Procedures and guidelines
Be A Delegate to NSEA Delegate Assembly

All members are eligible to vote for their local association delegates to NSEA Delegate Assembly. Clustered locals will vote March 9-18. Locals with more than 26 members, talk to your local president for your local election timeline.

Local Delegates

Deadline to File: Set by each Local Association
Secret ballot elections held at the local association level, with delegate names reported to NSEA by March 20.
Delegates from local associations with 26 or more members must be elected by secret ballot, according to federal statute. Presidents from those associations will be notified of the number of delegate representatives they may elect, based on their local association membership.

At-Large District Cluster Delegates

Deadline to File:  Sunday, March 2
Elected during online election by cluster locals per district, March 9-18

To elect voting delegates to NSEA’s annual Delegate Assembly business meeting, local associations with fewer than 26 members are grouped in “clusters” in each of NSEA’s six governance districts. For instance, all local associations in NSEA’s Capitol District with fewer than 26 members will vote on a common set of candidates for delegates to DA.


Members of Aspiring Educators (formerly the Student Education Association of Nebraska, or SEAN) will elect delegates to the NSEA Delegate Assembly. Watch for the Aspiring Educators newsletter for details on how to attend.

Aspiring Educator members will then elect delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly in statewide balloting following the Delegate Assembly.


Members of NSEA-Retired will use mail-in ballots in March.


  • If you are a local president, please use this form to report the names of the delegates from your local association who have been properly elected to attend the 2025 NSEA Delegate Assembly.

Cluster Delegates:

  • If you are in a local with fewer than 26 active members, you can file as a candidate to be elected as a cluster delegate. An online secret ballot election for clustered locals, of all properly filed candidates, will be held in March. NSEA will notify DA Cluster candidates of the results of the election on March 20.